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La web especializada en astrología mundial

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" El futuro de la astrología se

 encuentra situado en los ciclos planetarios,

 no en los signos del Zodíaco"

Enero 2025   Edición nº: 31

Mundane astrology

Carlos Morales | Barcelona | 12.06.2023 | 02:32 hrs. 

Astrological reflections:

The empty shelves

of mundane astrology

Mundane astrology, astrology, political astrology

Mundane astrology, social astrology, or political astrology are the various names given to one of the two specialties within the field of astrology. This astrological branch is the one that has had the least contribution, study, dissemination, and development among the broad community of astrologers worldwide, both within and outside our borders. I dare say that mundane astrology is one of the great unknowns in the astrological world. In our country, there are very few bibliographies on the subject, and in the rest of the world, such contributions remain very, very scarce when compared to the enormous literary volume accumulated by natal astrology, the most powerful and well-known branch of astrology.

Despite its potential to provide a profound insight into global events, mundane astrology has been largely overlooked in the astrological realm. Both nationally and internationally, there is a shortage of literature on this subject, and research in this area is lacking. While natal astrology has amassed a vast, almost repetitive literary volume without new contributions to lend it scientific credibility, and with a large community of specialized astrologers, mundane astrology, on the other hand, has been relegated to the background, remaining a great unknown to many people, both inside and outside the astrological community.

In Spain, it is challenging to find specialized bibliographies on world astrology. The resources available are scarce, and those who venture into this discipline are true pioneers. Internationally, although there are some contributions, these remain insufficient compared to the continuous and exponential growth of natal astrology, as mentioned earlier.

Why has this happened? There are several possible explanations. Firstly, mundane astrology requires a different approach than natal astrology. A profound knowledge of history, politics, and global affairs is needed to properly understand and analyze world events. This poses an additional challenge for astrologers, as they must combine their astrological knowledge with a solid understanding of social and political reality to provide appropriate responses to the combination of planets with the analyzed social events: and this requires almost full personal time dedication and extensive compilation of fundamental data.

To study and analyze different global patterns, a complex understanding of planetary interactions and their influence on different cultures and political systems is important. This can be overwhelming and discouraging for many astrologers, which could explain the lack of interest and dedication in this area due to the effort and time required.

Another possible reason is that mundane astrology has been challenged by skepticism and a lack of widespread acceptance. Although astrology, in general, has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, many still consider it a pseudoscience. Mundane astrology, addressing events and themes on a global scale, may be considered even more speculative and less tangible for those not familiar with its fundamental principles and practices.

Despite these obstacles, mundane astrology has significant potential to provide a deeper understanding of global events and sociopolitical trends. Through its focus on planetary cycles and astrological configurations, it can offer a unique perspective on the social and political climate of different countries and regions worldwide.

Ultimately, it is crucial to recognize that mundane astrology is not limited to predicting global events but also offers a unique perspective on the interconnection between the cosmos and humanity. By understanding planetary cycles and astrological influences on world affairs, we can gain a deeper insight into our role as individuals and as part of a global, as well as cosmic, community.

Hopefully, in the future, mundane astrology will receive the attention and recognition it deserves, but it requires a significant investment of resources, research time, and above all, generous media dissemination of this neglected specialty of astrology, to harness its valuable potential for understanding and addressing the global challenges we face.

In the end, mundane astrology provides us with an additional tool to explore, reflect, and work towards a more harmonious and balanced world by analyzing the great planetary cycles and their link to social processes. Let's hope that many astrologers worldwide share the same interest and strive to give a real boost to this overlooked specialty, which has been relegated to the background due to the lack of initiative from those who spread astrology around the world.

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