Mundane astrology, social astrology, or political astrology are the various names given to one of the two specialties within the field of astrology. This astrological branch is the one that has had the least contribution, study, dissemination, and development among the broad community of astrologers worldwide, both within and outside our borders. I dare say that mundane astrology is one of the great unknowns in the astrological world. In our country, there are very few bibliographies on the subject, and in the rest of the world, such contributions remain very, very scarce when compared to the enormous literary volume accumulated by natal astrology, the most powerful and well-known branch of astrology.
Despite its potential to provide profound insights into global events, mundane astrology has been largely overlooked. Both nationally and internationally, the lack of research and specialized literature on the subject is evident. While natal astrology has accumulated an extensive, almost repetitive, body of literature, lacking new contributions that solidify its scientific foundation, mundane astrology remains in the shadows, unfamiliar to many, both inside and outside the astrological community. It is therefore essential to bring greater visibility to this discipline so that it can occupy its rightful place in astrological practice.
In our country, there are very few bibliographical references on the subject, and even internationally, contributions remain scarce, especially when compared to the vast body of literature dedicated to natal astrology, the most powerful and well-known branch of astrology. In Spain, it is difficult to find specialized bibliographies on mundane astrology. Available resources are scarce, and those who venture into this discipline are true pioneers. Internationally, although some contributions exist, they are still insufficient compared to the continuous and exponential growth of natal astrology. This gap reflects the lack of recognition and the minimal support that mundane astrology receives compared to its more established counterpart.
Why has this happened? There are several possible explanations. First, mundane astrology requires a different approach from natal astrology. A deep understanding of history, politics, and global affairs is necessary to properly analyze and interpret world events. This presents an additional challenge for astrologers, as they must combine their astrological knowledge with a solid grasp of social and political realities in order to accurately interpret planetary influences in relation to world events. This requires nearly full-time dedication and a significant effort in gathering fundamental data. Such a demanding process requires a level of specialization that is currently underdeveloped and undervalued.
To study and analyze global patterns, a complex understanding of planetary interactions and their influence on different cultures and political systems is essential. This can be overwhelming and discouraging for many astrologers, which may explain the lack of interest and dedication to this area due to the time and effort it demands. However, advancements in new technologies and analytical methods could open new opportunities for those who choose to explore this field.
Another possible reason is that mundane astrology has faced skepticism and a lack of widespread acceptance. While astrology in general has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, many still consider it a pseudoscience. Mundane astrology, dealing with events and themes on a global scale, can be seen as even more speculative and less tangible to those unfamiliar with its principles and practices.
Despite these obstacles, mundane astrology holds significant potential for offering a deeper understanding of global events and sociopolitical trends. By focusing on planetary cycles and astrological configurations, it can provide a unique perspective on the social and political climate in different countries and regions. Its ability to shed light on recurring patterns could serve as a valuable complementary tool to other methods of sociopolitical analysis, particularly in an increasingly globalized world.
Ultimately, it is crucial to recognize that mundane astrology is not merely about predicting global events but also about offering a unique perspective on the interconnectedness between the cosmos and humanity. By understanding planetary cycles and astrological influences on world affairs, we can gain a deeper insight into our role as individuals and as part of a global, even cosmic, community. This understanding could pave the way for greater harmony between humanity and its environment.
Hopefully, in the future, mundane astrology will receive the attention and recognition it deserves. However, achieving this will require significant resources, time invested in research, and, above all, widespread media dissemination of this often-neglected branch of astrology. Only then can we fully harness its valuable potential in understanding and addressing the global challenges we face. With the right momentum, this specialty could evolve and contribute to solving global issues through a deeper astrological perspective.
In the end, mundane astrology provides an additional tool for exploring, reflecting, and working towards a more harmonious and balanced world by analyzing major planetary cycles and their connection to social processes. Hopefully, many astrologers around the world will take an interest in this field and work to give it the recognition it deserves. A collective effort could ensure that mundane astrology establishes itself as a fundamental discipline for understanding the increasingly interconnected world in which we live.